MADRIX Forum • Video place behavior using cuelist
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Video place behavior using cuelist

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 7:28 am
by dselected
We are having trouble understanding storage place video behavior. We want to do the following for a permanent installation:
  • • Create Madrix setup with 350 videos in storage places
    • Create a cuelist with all 350 videos in a row.
    • Each video is 30 seconds long
    • We set each cue in the cuelist to 29 seconds for 1 second crossfade
    • Play the cuelist over and over such that
    • • When cue/place 1 is done playing, that video resets to beginning and waits
      • Then when we play cue/place 350 and loop around cue 1 starts from the beginning
Currently we find that when cue/places are set to play once (arrow icon) they do not play again when called. If we use looping behavior the loop is always going, and thus when we call a cue/place again it could be in the middle of a 30s segment and show a bad loop point.

I believe Madrix 2 had a different behavior in this regard. Did this change?

Any help with this is much appreciated.

Re: Video place behavior using cuelist

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 2:19 pm
by Fritzsche
Yes, the behavior did change for MADRIX 3. But we will check if we bring back the original behavior with the next update.

However, we can already bring it back today using a very short Macro for the SCE Video Effect.
We can use:


void InitEffect()

void PreRenderEffect()


void PostRenderEffect()


void MatrixSizeChanged()

Re: Video place behavior using cuelist

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 8:27 am
by Wissmann
One aditional hint, in MADRIX Cuelist the fade time is part of the duration time.